Article: How to Tie a Beautiful Gift Bow

How to Tie a Beautiful Gift Bow
- Choose 4 or 5 different ribbons and collect together a pair of sharp scissors, a ruler, and some small elastic bands.
- Cut your ribbon into lengths of about 30cms. You can vary this according to the size of your parcel, cutting shorter or longer lengths to make a smaller or larger bow.
- Cut about 4 lengths for each ribbon that you have chosen, you will have about 16-20 ribbons in total.
- Once all of your ribbon is cut, begin by gathering one piece and fold it in half. Choose another piece, fold, and then add it to the first piece.
- Continue in this way until you have gathered all the ribbon pieces together. in one hand, rather like a bunch of flowers.
- Secure your bunch of ribbons tightly with an elastic band.
- Next, gently separate out the ribbon ends, and cut diagonally to neaten.
- Finally, arrange your ribbon loops and ends to make a beautiful bow and...
- Attach to your gift with glue or double sided tape or, alternatively, cut a couple of your ribbon lengths longer at stage 1 and tie your beautiful bow to your gift. Simple!