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About Us

Who Are Ribbonly?

Ribbonly is a Birmingham based family run business founded in 2021. Grace (left) and Karen (right) have always had a passion for textiles and enjoy spending a lot of their time being creative. 
  As a family, we realised that there was a gap in the market for high quality ribbon that was competitively priced and easy to shop. With so many different types of ribbon to choose from on the market today, we found it overwhelming to choose ribbon for ourselves when shopping online, which is how the idea for Ribbonly was born.
We found it much easier and more satisfying to shop for our ribbon by colour, rather than by type, however the majority of retailers weren’t displaying their products in this way. We want our customers to enjoy navigating their way around our website and find pleasure in choosing the different tones and textures of ribbons they’d like. This is why we have organised all of our ribbons into colour and type categories, making the shopping experience much more visually pleasurable for our customers.
We love experimenting with lots of different colour and texture combinations and enjoy innovating new ways to incorporate ribbon into crafting, gift wrapping and eventing. We are always coming out with new ways to use ribbon, either through blog posts, YouTube videos or our ribbon kits. Ribbonly is also a commercial partner with sister company Bertie's Bows.
Our Pop Up Boutique
 We attend multiples exhibitions throughout the year and are always delighted to meet our customers. You will find us at the ICHF Creative Craft shows at the NEC in June and November 2022.
We are also attending The Knitting and Stitching show at the Alexandra Palace and at Harrogate in the autumn of this year.
We also attend trade shows for our retail and wholesale customers!
We hope to see some of you there soon!



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